Healers Need Healing
For whatever time we have walked this planet in this form, we have been trained to belief that healing happens over time and often with medical intervention.
Tribal healers know a different way — to work with spiritual law and the energy body to perform miraculous and sometimes instantaneous healing.
“Shaman School" teaches healers to heal themselves and others using wisdom from across the globe and time.
Root Cause of Dis-ease
Using shamanic trancework, our physical and non-physical senses, and cross-cultural healing practices, participants learn to bring balance to their lives and release physical symptoms by working on underlying spiritual causes.
As we examine the root cause of dis-ease, we begin to understand how to heal all illness and bring well-being not only to ourselves, but also to those around us.
Starting Sep. 9, 2025
Choices for group practice include:
- Online group practice
- Supervised healing sessions
- Healing session or attunement with Amara
- Group presentation on healing topic
- In-person gatherings in central Jersey
Healing Arts Series:
Healing & the Elements
Healing & the Chakras
Animal Medicine & Shapeshifting
Plant Medicine & Spirit Guides
Universal Flow: Everyday Miracles for Healers
24 Online lessons will include a variety of healing topics, including
- Cross-culture shamanism
- Five elements healing
- Energy body anatomy
- Miraculous healing
- Starting a successful healing practice
(See below "Example Curriculum" for more topics)
Bonus Healing Retreat
Participants will be invited to attend a weekend long healing retreat
Example Curriculum
- Getting Started (16:31)
- 1. What is Healing? (26:00)
- 2. The Wounded Healer (35:50)
- 3. Your Personal Healing Tradition (40:28)
- 4. Pandora's Box (23:52)
- 5. Interior Landscape (28:30)
- 6. Divine Messages (25:35)
- 7. What is Sacrifice? (17:00)
- 8. Chain of Creation (34:27)
- 9. The Imperishable World (17:23)
- 10. Which is the Real World? (17:55)
- 11. Power Animals & Totems (20:05)
- 12. The Energy Body (15:49)
- 13. As Above So Below (10:49)
- 14. Dream World (17:25)
- 15. Shapeshifting (25:19)
- 16. When Time Stopped (25:39)
- 17. Ancestral Healing (16:35)
- 18. Winged Thought (32:36)
- 19. Spiritual Emergence (29:42)
- 20. Sacred Space (31:02)
- 21. Voice of God (30:16)
- 22. Death is the Middle (24:04)
- 23. Web of Light (30:50)
- 24. Medicine Wheel (30:18)
- Group Meeting - Introduction 9.5.23 (76:14)
- The Container 9.19.23 (86:52)
- Healing the Ills of the World 10.3.23 (86:40)
- Living Myth and Messages 10.17.23 (57:06)
- Your Personal Muse 10.31.23 (54:53)
- The Metamorphic Technique 11.14.23 (72:34)
- Power Animal Retrieval 11.28.23 (74:41)
- Middle World 12.12.23 (68:50)
- Time and Space 12.26.23 (73:44)
- Angels & Healing Runes 1.9.24 (87:48)
- Past Life Regression 1.23.24 (60:56)
- Soul Loss 2.6.24 (75:07)
- The Labyrinthine Way 2.20.24 (82:46)
About Amara
Amara Willey is an ordained minister, shamanic healer, and reiki master. She teaches and practices cross-cultural shamanic and ceremonial techniques from many healing traditions, including Celtic, Native American, South American, Norse, Abrahamic, Sumerian, Chinese, and Greek.
Co-founder of a 25-year-old earth-based ceremonial tradition, she has been studying and practicing shamanism since 1992.
More Fun
Healing is not the only metaphor for plugging yourself back in to the Universe's electrical outlet.
Here are some more opportunities to get unstuck from your spiritual clutter and increase your connection to the miracles available to you.